Posts/comments on randomquestions (Deadjournal) from simplicissimus July 2003 - June 2004 ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: whats your worst childhood memory? the day i stopped being a child. ------------------------------------ does anyone know how many years it might take to grow hair thats about 1 inch right now down to just below the shoulders? i cut all my long hair off a year ago and im beginning to miss it. . . CONTEXT: everyone is different, but I got my hair cut short last june and i haven't cut is since, and it has grown about six inches. by last june you mean last month or june 2002? ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: What did you have for breakfast? mango + strawberry ice shake ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Is it true that if you drink anything that is "diet" it will eat holes in your brain? And why? i read in a magazine that anorexics have significantly less gray matter in their heads than 'normal' eaters, and even if they are cured of anorexia it does NOT grow back. but i dont know if thats reliable information. ------------------------------------ does anyone know of any interesting translated books written by asian authors, like along the lines of haruki murakami or wei hui? there is a kind of style i am particularily attracted to, and looking for more. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: what's your name...backwards? aivilo (not catchy) ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Do any of you girls get honked at by gross men when walking down the street? no honks, but always comments like "hey baby, nice day, huh?" *LEER*. jesus christ. also, a popular one is "hey girl, do you have a boyfriend?". i tell them that, yes, i do, and in fact he's a scandinavian crossdressing hitman who'll kick their ass. they may laugh, but then my boyfriend who is a scandinavian crossdressing hitman turns up and they laugh no more. ------------------------------------ i need something interesting and slightly surreal to read, watch or listen to. reccommend something? CONTEXT: what kind of stuff do you like? ayuah. . . everything. well, not everything, but lots of things. if i just think off the top of my head, then lately i've been watching films by richard linklater (waking life, before sunrise, etc), and then randomly there is donnie darko, the city of lost children, delicatessen. . .foreign films especially. i like nine inch nails, janes addiction, radiohead and tool. i have a fixation with asia. im reading '100 years of solitude' by gabriel garcia marquez right now. . . .zadie smith, haruki murakami, some terry pratchett, and the sandman comics were cool. jesus, i feel so pretentious :p CONTEXT: you should read harry potter. i read harry potter. and i do heart harry potter. ill look for 'lost & delirious'. so thanks. CONTEXT: There's this movie about dreams that's called "Waking Life." It's an excellent movie that requires a lot of thought. If you're looking for something interesting and surreal, you should definitely check this out. It's animated and in a dream-like form... very surreal... Check it out. i've seen it already, i *love* it. its just fantastic. CONTEXT: fight club is something i hear people talk about but never checked it out. although i will now. . . . sophie's world i've already read. i think i preferred jostein gaarder's other books, especially 'the solitaire mystery' and 'maya'. thanks for suggesting vegas though, id never heard of it. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Does anyone elses parents hire someone to come clean the house? If so, do your parents make you clean your room before they get there? yeah, we have a housekeeper. she sneaks in my room when i'm away and tidys it. she also makes things disappear for months and probably peruses all my diaries and saucy books. when i tell her not to come in my room and that ill tidy it myself, she pretends not to understand because shes from portugal. and then she sneaks in my room again at the first opportunity. i get apocalyptic deja vu everytime i see the damage. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: has anyone here ever eaten pony steak? nope, by my friend went to switzerland and unwisely chose "pferde fleische" to go with her fondue. . . ------------------------------------ real or imaginary whats your escape? ------------------------------------ has anybody seen a perfect circle live? and if so. . . what was the atmosphere like? was everybody cool and friendly or were they mostly a bunch of assholes beating the shit out of eachother in the moshpit? or were you too high to notice? CONTEXT: I saw The hives live one time -- does that count? the hives give me a headache :/ CONTEXT: I'd kill to see them live. I love APC. Are you going to see them at Lollapalooza?? nope, i live in the uk, and theyre playing one date in manchester on the 17th sept. i have the opportunity to get tickets but whether ill actually have the chance to go depends on circumstances. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: If you could have stopped aging at any point in your life up to the present, how old would you want to remain? nine. definitely nine. everything was great when i was nine. ------------------------------------ does shampoo/conditioner have a use-by date? cause i need to wash my hair and the only stuff i have in the house i bought in january 2002. ------------------------------------ is there a html colour value for transparency? im trying to change my journal and i want the boxes around my text to disappear, leaving only the text on my background, and i figured this would be how to do it. . . CONTEXT: you just have to type "transparent" in the backgrounds and all of the accents. ^.^ aah, thank you! *feels illiterate* ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: What's a good cure for burns? aloe vera gel or witch hazel could help. . . ------------------------------------ how many hours in time is brasil ahead/behind england? ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: what are you eating? stupid pizza ------------------------------------ can anyone reccommend an addictive habit that won't leave me feeling like shit? (so: no drugs, smokes, alcohol or promiscuos sex) ------------------------------------ can anyone reccomend an website with lots of original/interesting/weird art? maybe one thats not too well known, so not elfwood, devart, explodingdog. . .etc ------------------------------------ what should i do tomorrow? please suggest at least one sane opinion. ------------------------------------ complete the phrases: "i'm glad i'm not a ________" "i wish i were a _________" please? ------------------------------------ somebody recommend a film that is funny, worth buying, and not stupid? CONTEXT: all of those are awesome, which damnably i can say cause ive seen them all. you get marks for taste though. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: 1. How would you define, or describe, "innocence"? 1 - not knowing the difference between good and evil CONTEXT: 2. Would you equate innocence with goodness, in the sense that those who have never done evil are good? 2 - no, i.e animals are innocent even when they maim or kill [an action we generally see as evil], because they dont have the self concious awareness to make a moral decision about it, and follow their instinct. whether you can apply this to any human (such as a child, someone who is "mentally defective", etc), i dont know. CONTEXT: 3. Is innocence of any real importance, outside of religion? Why? 3 - i think in the sense of learning about sex and death, 'innocence' is pretty irrelevant. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: when you were younger, did you have imaginary friends? yeah, i had several. they were all 6" cats who wore clothes and accompanied me wherever. most of their names began with K. CONTEXT: what's your opinion on online relationships? online: it depends who's having a relation with who. i have made a really good friend online, though i prefer offline relationships, without the internet we wouldnt have met. but for some people they just dont work. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Could you hurt someone like you? CONTEXT: Yeah, and I'd beat the shit out her, too. i second that. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Okay, speaking of dreams, have any of you experienced a lucid dream? i have them a couple times a month. usually i talk to dream characters, try to make things materialise, or levitate. ------------------------------------ there is nobody perfect what do you find attractive in a friend/lover? (both mental/physical qualities) also, name some flaws that you would not mind if they possessed, and some flaws that you would. ------------------------------------ #2 what were you like as a kid? at what age did you have your first really unhappy thought? why? ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: What's your favorite children's movie? dougal and the blue cat. ------------------------------------ if you had to legally change your name, what would you call yourself? ------------------------------------ question: is racism defined as a negative generalisation about a race, or any generalisation? ie, if i said "all jews are inferior" that would obviously be racism, but if i said "all jews are wonderful people" - would that be considered racist? ------------------------------------ one, i'm looking for a vampire novel (or collection of stories) that is actually well written and engaging and not penned by anne rice or poppy z, so any thoughts? secondly, is there a community on dj for these kind of book recommendations? *edit: i wasn't very clear; i meant book recommendations in general, not just for any horror/vampire genre ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: whats your favorite hair color? naturally brown. unnaturally a blacky-purply-blue. ------------------------------------ what are you craving? ------------------------------------ what kind of stuff do you feed your cat? does it like banana? (my last cat did) porridge? (ditto) cheese? fish? regular cat gunk out of a packet? etc ------------------------------------ what was the weirdest thing somebody said to you this week? you have a plane ticket to anywhere you want. where? ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: If neither money nor time were an issue, what would you do?? 1 - travel everywhere, rape book shops, visit all my long-distance friends and buy a castle somewhere snowy and cold, and fill it with beautiful things. CONTEXT: Also...who would you like to switch bodies with for a day? 2 - and how i'd love to be some tall skinny beautiful boy for a while with a deep voice. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: (LONG) i don't eat frosted cookies unless they're cinnamon stars, which i have an occasional desire for because i'm a nostalgic preterist; cinnamon stars having been prevalent around a particularily good time of consoles me a little to nibble them. in my sleeping patterns i tend to be more disposed towards nocturnal waking and hyposomnia during daytime. i feel most calm and perfect at about four or five am.. ..nightmares i'm not wont to have, but when they do occur they are always terrifyingly realistic. most of my deep fears are placed in reality. . .if i ever do encounter a fantasy monster i have a habit of becoming lucid, because my most automatic assumption is that if that can exist then anything else may - you know, something out of a beautiful dream. oh, and i prefer my liqueur red. *not preterist in the sense of any religious cult. rather as defined, to the best of my knowledge, by luciferous logolepsy. hell, i'm trying to extend my vocabulary. ------------------------------------ what is the name of the fluid which surrounds a foetus whilst it develops in the womb? ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: I can’t sleep or eat . . . it must be love no? Who ever came up with the idea that the symptoms of love were not to eat and sleep? I always thought love would be more inspirational then making you destroys your body slowly. What do you think are the symptoms of love? because music is the food of love, according to orsino. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? languescent ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: i dated this guy on-and-off for about 8 months when i was 17. shortly after we broke up for the last time, he and his friend decided that they were going to be part of a religion that didn't believe in deoderants of any kind. is there such a thing? well, unless not using deoderant is directly linked to some kind of spiritual enlightment/purity or they're actually worshipping some deity who decrees it a sin to use deoderant, i wouldn't refer to it as "religion". maybe more like, er, a "philosophy"? ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: what did you want to be when you were little? i wanted to be an au pair or a vet or an artist. (ha, i love how i considered "artist" to be a career choice) ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: What kind of calander do you have this year? shiny knights and medieval wenches. ------------------------------------ do you beleive that supposedly 'spiritual' or 'psychic' healers actually work? are they all con artists? is it just dressed-up headology? your opinion please. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Does anyone else find it seriously demented that around the ages of 7 though around 10, when I played with barbies I acted out violent rapings??? no! i used to do that too. seriously. my barbies were all sadistic nymphomaniacs. mid-mock-copulation i would wrench their legs and heads off or tie them up with string. i lacked a ken doll for a long time though, so i had to substitute by turning 'gymnastics barbie' into 'transsexual barbie' through the use of scissors and felt tip pen to depict the correct genitalia. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: What do you miss from your childhood? being aware of death yet feeling immortal & the lack of self awareness ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Have you ever skinned & gutted an animal? no, but when my cat dies i intend to learn. i'd like to keep her skull as a trophy, and maybe just sate my curiousity about her innards. ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Do you like the book “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll more than the movie “Alice in Wonderland” by Disney? of course i love the book. as for the disney film, i don't really care for it. i much prefer the depiction in neco z alenky; it's far more orginal and entertaining. ------------------------------------ how do eunuchs urinate? is it true that man is the only animal without a bone in his penis, and that woman is the only animal whose uterus is attached to the 'wall' of the internal body? is it possible to feel dishonest when telling the truth? CONTEXT (Rus): ...with their penis, just like any other male. Castration is of the testicles. What were you thinking? my ignorance; i had always assumed that castration involved removal of the penis and testicles; and given that the only detailed photograph of mutilated male genitalia i've cared to examine seemed to involve just that, i figured so. i suppose my question should be, then, "how does a man whose penis has been cut off manage to pee?" CONTEXT: Oh yeah. By the way. Why is this dated "Saturday, May 1st"? my computer date clock is skewed and automatically changes the date in the dj-entry form and i always forget to fix it. ------------------------------------ does anybody know what the theme song (that plays in the credits) to "audition" is called? who sings it? and if you've seen the film....what did you think of it? CONTEXT: if you watched the credits in their entirity you should know. they were in japanese and there was no translation. CONTEXT: ah. maybe you should ask on the imdb page for that movie? i'm sure people really into it post there often. i looked; i couldn't find it but i did find 4 other un-answered posts asking my same question :/ ------------------------------------ CONTEXT: Are you currently under the influence of any illegal substances? 1. no CONTEXT: What about non-illegal things that you've taken enough of to feel messed up? 2. nutmeg. never again. CONTEXT: I tried that didn't work for me...did it work for you? yes. i felt peaced out for a couple of hours and then the rest of the night was hell. i felt dizzy, my heart palpitated, i vomited, i hallucinated mildy and horribly, and for about 12 hours i was under the allusion that i was going to die. i guess i am not made for drugs. ------------------------------------